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I would like to say that I'm grounded, centered, and feeling effective ... but... 😒


Sometimes I am. ☀️

I'm thankful for so many holding a piece of the resistance so we don't all have to hold it at once. (at least, I don't have the energy for constant )

Interconnection + community=

I'm also thankful to be adding to the stories out there. We need more

Latest is in the Bright Green Futures anthology. https://brightgreenfutures.substack.com/p/episode-26-bright-green-futures-2024


Pre-orders live for the anthology I edited, releasing Earth Day (April 22)!


These hopeful stories each imagine a way for us to survive the future, together.

EBOOK: preorder on Amazon, Kobo, GPlay, Apple or Nook

PRINT: preorder on Bookshop.org, Barnes & Noble or Amazon

If you get the book from Bookshop.org, you support small bookstores!

Order at your local Barnes & Noble & you'll alert the bookstore to the book!



So, who wants to quit the , build a , friendly in woods, grow abundent food, medicine, trees to share with whoever needs it, host people who need a place to be, help heal whoever needs to heal, actually have time and spoons to enjoy living?

Not looking for arguments.

Seeking dreamers to live simply, learn skills, be uncomfortable, enjoy music, stories, art, campfires, singing, howling at the moon

Say hi to Finn-Tuan Le, the main character of the comic I'm currently working on!

With a very near-future setting and the first volume basically being a roadtrip between and , this illustration doesn't really give away it's genre. But drastic environmental changes (and a touch of fantasy because rule of cool) lead to a slow but thorough breakdown of globalization and now people have to rebuild a more resilient society.