
See tagged statuses in the local BookWyrm community

1) My work sponsored a volunteer day at in and I got to participate. First time back there in years.
2) Got to work the check-in area several hours in the afternoon. It meant finding out as much as people wanted to share, showing them which booths to visit.
3) People were genuinely delighted. To talk and be heard. To get a replacement ID. To get help with prescriptions. To get glasses. To get housing assistance. To get legal aid. To get lunch.

I’m lucky.

📣📣📣 Partagez la bonne nouvelle:

SORTIE LE 06 septembre!

Laissez-moi vous embarquer dans un nouvel univers. Je vous promets de palpitantes aventures, des voyages aux confins de la galaxie, des vilains retords et des questionnements sur la nature humaine.

LE GENRE: SF, Space Opera


Je compte sur vous, mes lecteurs fidèles, pour propager l’heureuse nouvelle de cette sortie ☺️
