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"Ghost in the Wires" by Kevin Mitnick with William L. Simon - Audiobook read by Ray Porter.

This is the audiobook equivalent of a page-turner, at least partly thanks to an excellent reading by Ray Porter, or a feature-length episode of "Darknet Diaries" (without @jackrhysider). It's odd to hear some of the non-prose read, but funny as one recognises it, though not so funny as having the codes read sounding like backmasked messages opening a reverse shell to the brain.

A lot has changed since Kevin's adventures in the late 1980s and 1990s, but another lot... hasn't and its important lessons remain relevant.

Being read this so soon after Richard Feynman's "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!" provided a strange insight into the different paths taken by two similar minds in different - but in many ways not so different - places and times.


Vorheriger Chef der NSA und Ex-General wird Teil des Verwaltungsrats von OpenAI

Paul Nakasone hatte die NSA Anfang Februar 2024 verlassen. Jetzt gehört er zum OpenAI-Verwaltungsrat und soll sich bei der KI-Firma um Cybersecurity kümmern.


adds -appointed fmr director to its board

OpenAI has tapped fmr US Army general & Agency dir Paul M. Nakasone to join its board of directors, the continuation of a reshuffling spurred by CEO ’s temp ousting in Nov.

, a Trump appointee who took over the NSA in 2018, will join the board’s & Cmte, which OpenAI began in late May to evaluate & improve policies to test models & curb .


Aktuell ganz viel Wind um , das wöchentlich neu zu starten - : Es schadet jedenfalls nicht, das zu tun, schützt aber auch nicht vor allen möglichen . Für die allermeisten Menschen viel wichtiger sind regelmäßige OS , keine Installation von , sparsamer Umgang mit und Einschalten von und nur dann, wenn man es tatsächlich braucht.


You thought it was bad enough when said, "well, we only collect the metadata and protect identities of US Citizens."
How about having an Israeli spy outfit provide the targeting information of any vulnerability they find on your site, not to you, but to everyone else, along with a sample of your database? @acluofmichigan @aclu
yes, the folks in Cambridge who provide the cover story own an company they bought with hedge fund money. This bs is from the internet-census website.