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Ch 16 Nbr 13 — What’s your favourite trope? Do you lean into it for your work or shy away?

I've little interest in tropes, which I see as cliched bits of plot found frequently enough that a critic (read: not an author) decided could be well summarized in a few words. In my opinion, every plot has been written before, as has every character archetype.

As authors, we should feel no shame, no angst, no fear borrowing ideas wherever we find them. We need combine our discovered treasures with whatever message and character moves us, and write. The self-harm of measuring against tropes, other authors, or critics needs be discarded for what it is: procrastination and insecurity. It stifles us from writing, it prevents us from realizing our characters' dreams when that's what we truly desire.

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]


Ch 16 Nbr 11 — Do you write or imagine a backstory for your secondary characters, or do they pop into existence as required?

They pop into existence, then assert something germane to the plot, then I consider how that happened and why. Sometimes that generates a backstory, which often elevates the SC to recurring through the story. If I'm interested, the reader should be. When I ask myself why they're recurring, they sometimes end up modifying the plot going forward. Often this elevates them from recurring to their own side story as a MC.

That's my character generation pattern in a nutshell.

Though the co-MC in Reluctant Moon isn't a secondary character, I had a bridge sentence in the narrative that takes the reader from A to C without a few weeks B in-between. The sentence takes the reader from the moment it is apparent the MC …

CJEU (C-394/23):

GDPR and rail transport: a customer’s gender identity is not necessary data for the purchase of a transport ticket

An interesting case, as the French data protection authority, CNIL, which is usually quite robust, rejected the applicant's original complaint, finding that a train company requiring gender to buy tickets, so the company could personalise communications, was not an infringement of the GDPR.

Data minimisation ftw.


Ch 16 Nbr 08 — Do you agree with [], “No man but a blockhead ever wrote, except for money”?

I left out the attribution because I don't want to judge the intentions of the person quoted.

I see naught wrong with getting paid for writing. However, I can't see writing without communicating something I want other people to think about. Thus, I'd reframe the quote as, "Nobody but a blockhead ever wrote only for money." If they did, they did not understand their own human nature.

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]


"The far right is weaponizing a doctrine that granted rights and liberties in order to snuff out the citizenship of anyone who isn’t a white man.

It’s a chilling fact that the Project 2025 playbook written for Donald Trump’s administration is just a roadmap for the first 180 days."

~ Susan Rinkunas



Techgigant stopt samenwerking met factcheckers in de VS - https://nos.nl/l/2550872

"We willen minder restricties rondom onderwerpen als en ." Volgens hem zijn en Instagram veranderd van inclusieve platforms naar platforms waar mensen te snel de mond wordt gesnoerd."

Het gaat nu hard. De maskers gaan af.

De schaamteloosheid

Wie dacht dat of (i.t.t. ) "nog wel kon", moet zich maar een paar keer achter de oren krabben.


So a cleric harasses an at an airport in for not wearing a

So she snatches off his turban, and turns it into a headscarf!


"What's wrong with this? What's wrong with this? Tell me!


Oh, Iranian men, I s*** in your honor. That’s it, that’s it, I want this"



Fuck you Iran and your


Day 13: our leading scholar takes us to the heart of cosmology by following the zigzag trail of the mysterious entity !o!oko, cannibal grandmother and mantis trickster and transformer.

Stories and beliefs associated to the Mantis among the Hadzabe of Tanzania compare with the well-known figure of the Mantis among the /Xam Southern . This suggests great antiquity of the concepts related to time.

The word itself -- !o!oko -- is probably very ancient with double alveolar-palatal click (pop sound from taking your tongue quickly away from the alveolar ridge). The -ko ending implies femaleness, but this entity has gender fluidity.
