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El 13 de octubre puede ser un punto de inflexión. Hagámosle saber a PP y PSOE que estamos hartos de su política para beneficiar a los fondos y a los rentistas.

La juventud necesitamos emancipación y las familias la seguridad de que no van a ser expulsadas de sus barrios y casas.

The imposed sanctions Friday targeting ’s state-controlled media outlet over its role in Russia’s covert influence operations globally, offering fresh details about the extent of its involvement after a Justice Department indictment earlier this month.

Among the new allegations detailed Friday was that RT helped oversee a crowdfunding effort, covertly organized by Russia, to collect weapons and other material support for invasion of .


The U.S. announces criminal charges against Russia, accusing the country’s state media of spreading election disinformation in America.

NBC News reports: "Attorney General Merrick Garland, who said the State Department would also take separate actions, announced that the DOJ had on Wednesday unsealed an indictment in the Southern District of New York that charges two employees of the Russian-backed media network RT with conspiring to commit money laundering and to violate the Foreign Agents Registration Act."


Wir machen bei der Codeweek Bayern mit zwei Workshops mit!

Die Plätze sind beschränkt, meldet euch also rechtzeitg an und gebt die Info gerne weiter :). Ich freu mich total über einen <3

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