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Two ravens had set up a "tollbooth" where roadwork had necessitated the closure of one lane of traffic. Lights stopped traffic flowing in one direction, at which point the ravens swooped down from the lightpost and hopped down the line of cars peering in the driver's side window, asking for snacks. If time allowed, they would then proceed up the passenger side. An inventive scheme! This is one of the two. #california #nature

Felt the urge to read The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas for some reason, so I got in the car and drove to the nearest bookstore, which is sadly 13 miles away. They didn't have that in stock, so I ended up ordering it (and with Gideon the Ninth, which I have heard is good).

Ended up getting The Left Hand of Darkness, which I'm about a third of the way through, and Harlan Ellison's Dangerous Visions. Hmm, I need to revisit Eidolons from Angry Candy. Seems topical.

I’m glad I’m from .

NYT— Newsom Moves Quickly to Counter Trump in California

Gov. Gavin Newsom called the Legislature back to the Capitol for a special session to bolster civil liberties, reproductive rights and environmental protections.

Braving sharks and hordes of urchins, scientists are growing one forest at a time https://phys.org/news/2024-11-braving-sharks-hordes-urchins-scientists.html

"Thanks to Julieta Gomez and her team, kelp is rebounding for the first time in a decade along the coast. Their research is also providing insights that may be used to protect Central 's south of San Francisco. These, like others, are threatened by , which is contributing to extreme ocean temperatures seen in recent years"

A majority of 5 million voters in California voted no to forbidding the use of prisoners as slave labor!

This is why I call US for

What kind of sick society tolerate this?
