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"As noted by commentator Lindy Li on Twitter, New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman has written 265 stories about 'Hillary’s emails' and 141 articles about Joe Biden’s age. Certainly, Trump's Nazi leanings deserve as least as much coverage as the non-story about Hillary’s emails. To date, the Times has published one story on Trump's use of Hitler’s language."

~ Robert B. Hubbell


"In it, prosecutors displayed online conversations between Perry and friends showing that, in the weeks before he shot Foster, Perry had fantasized about killing a BLM protester, even arguing that he could get away with it by claiming self-defense."

"Perry was interviewed by senior homicide Detective David Fugitt, a recently retired officer who remains a legend at APD. In a video played at the trial, Fugitt, seated, asked Perry, standing in front of him, to demonstrate how Foster had held the AK. Perry seems uncertain but holds an imaginary rifle pointed down at the officer. "I believe he was going to aim it at me," he stammers. "I didn't want to give him a chance to aim it at me, you know?" Fugitt later testified that he thought Perry had a legitimate claim of self-defense. He let him go."


If even Daniel Perry, the textbook case of …

Jay Kuo's assessment of New York Times' latest poll:

"Let me say this plainly: The Times poll is intentionally Trump- and conservative-leaning, both in how it was structured and how it was promoted. There may be fine reasons for this, but they are not discussed anywhere. And its data contains some eyebrow raising anomalies that it either glosses over or ignores completely."


Don Harwood responds to New York Times editor Joseph Kahn, who says that the attack on democracy represented by Trump is not the premier campaign issue:

"Donald Trump is the first American presidential candidate to explicitly threaten the democratic system on which a free press depends. He could win. Considering the stakes for the country, that ought to be the campaign issue that dwarfs all others."



Paul Waldman on how, when the New York Time is challenged to acknowledge the power it wields in framing thought and setting agendas, it pretends to be powerless and "objective." It wants to claim, as editor Joe Kahn did in a recent interview, that it's just reflecting what people want. But:

"It doesn't just give the people what they want. It tells them what to want."




focused on ’ tears instead of her complicity

Focused on ’s age instead of ’s 88 charges

Normalized Trump’s 4 and coup

Buried Trump’s violent threats & elevated Biden’s every gaffe

—plz stop whitewashing Trump

Humanizing and fawning over criminals and enablers is how we lose our

All this Trump-ass-kissing cuz Biden picked over the NYT for an interview?! 🤦🏻‍♀️

Jamison Foser reports that the New York Times, "a right-wing newsletter," is using the same playbook it ran last year with Christopher Rufo and Elise Stefanik against Claudine Gay. They're now using it with Rufo and Elon Musk to go after NPR's new CEO Katherine Maher.

Because this is what right-wing newspapers do: they normalize and assist the Rufos, Stefaniks, and Musks as they mount their right-wing attacks.



David Kurtz rips New York Times (which royally deserves the rip) for its breathless, dishonest reporting on how Melania is "said to" be unhappy that her husband's on trial – quoting unnamed persons "familiar with her thinking." He writes:

"Yesterday’s Melania piece suggests that despite everything the NYT is going to haul this worn-out coverage into Trump II.

Well done all around, by which I mean wtf."

Can't learn when you don't intend to.


"We stand at a stark divide in the fight to protect the reproductive liberty of women. One candidate, Joe Biden, promises to restore the protections of Roe v. Wade if he is given a majority in both chambers of Congress. The other, Donald Trump, is okay with a total ban on abortion and jailing doctors as long as gerrymandered state legislators pass a law banning abortion."

~ Robert B. Hubbell

