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A dark money network financed with $100M by is running a web site spoofing .

According to OpenSecrets, “Building America’s Future registered to use Progress 2028 as a fictitious name on Sept. 23.” The site is positioned as the corollary to .

“Some of the policies listed in Progress 2028 highlight disproven and misleading claims about Harris’ positions.” See fake ad.


How Became the ’s New Donor Class

& a group of allies have built a shadow campaign to put back in office.

Last Feb, the financier summoned a group of about 20 wealthy, predominantly donors & a handful of GOP strategists to dinner at his $334 million waterfront estate in Palm Beach, FL.


The have unlawfully obtained transceivers, and are using them to coordinate attacks on . is doing absolutely nothing to stop them. Musk is a traitor who has no loyalty to America. He's a sympathizer, and has no problem facilitating Russia's illegal invasion of our sovereign ally.


Hey ! I'll see your fake robot controlled by humans & raise you Elektro, The Smoking Robot who could respond to voice commands back in 1937.

Not to be confused wiih Mr. Electro, aka @driftglass co-host, with @bluegal, of Science Fiction University. Their podcast on The Day The Earth Stood Still stars Gort the robot. FYI, the failsafe command to stop Gort from destroying the Earth was "Klaatu barada nikto"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxGDdwbcfJg @pluralistic

Donald Trump has always been for sale.

👉 It used to be shocking how many people were willing to prop him up in the hopes of profiting off his increasingly seamy ventures.

💥But thanks to a morally bankrupt Republican Party and our degraded corporate media, Donald remains alarmingly close to the kind of power that’s worth shelling out massive amounts of money to be close to—and benefit from.

🔥Any person or entity, from Putin to Saudi Arabia’s LIV Golf, willing to throw Donald a few bucks for a licensing fee or a Trump Tower condo has gained access and influence.

Given this decades-long pattern, it’s not surprising that the world’s richest fascist -- South African jumping bean Elon Musk -- would also be interested in purchasing a few shares in a man who is willing to sell whatever he can get his hands on
—whether it’s steaks or American national …