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Space Salad

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration () administrator, Bill Nelson, and the deputy administrator, Pamela Melroy have visited the University of Adelaide, , where an international team is creating and medicine.

They’ve created a “SpaceSalad” from soya beans, poppy seeds, barley, ale, peanuts, seeds and sweet potatoes from plants chosen to be grown on Mars to provide a complete, nutritional plant-based diet for astronauts.

and the space debris problem

This feared space-junk cascade called Kessler Syndrome may have already begun.

By Mike Wall, July 14, 2022

"The Kessler Syndrome is a phenomenon in which the amount of junk in orbit around Earth reaches a point where it just creates more and more space debris, causing big problems for , and mission planners.

"Consider this scenario: The destruction of a dead spy satellite spawns a swarm of debris in Earth orbit, which wreaks ever-increasing havoc as it zooms around our planet.

"The cloud destroys a number of communications satellites, generating more and more debris with every violent collision. It takes out the iconic Space Telescope and a NASA , killing several crewmembers aboard the winged vehicle. It then lines the International Space Station () up in its crosshairs, destroying the $100 billion …