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announces plans to increase Russian drone production in 2024.

"This year, the production of drones is planned to be increased several times, or to be more precise, almost ten times. We are expanding the range of unmanned systems and creating crewless boats. The key task is to produce a wide range of unmanned aerial vehicles and to set up mass production of such innovative equipment as quickly as possible." he said.


"Vladimir has ordered to have at during lunch and coffee breaks because of a decline in the rate in the country."


The is in your pants

"Putin said: 'The preservation of the people is our highest national priority.'"

So stop sending them die in meatwaves in , you moron


It gets more dystopian, it sounds like a joke, a comedy skit, but it's the grim reality for Russian's lives...


Estonia invests in models of equipment to defend against Russian missiles.

Estonia has announced a tender for the purchase of decoy military installations that will serve to divert potential Russian missile strikes. The Estonian Defense Investment Center plans to spend $10 million on mock-ups of real weapons systems, ammunition, and communications and radar equipment.

Russian president Vladimir 's suggestion that should consider capping exports of nickel in retaliation for Western sanctions has been greeted with a collective shrug by the market.

Back in 2022 the potential loss of Russian metal threatened to create a supply chain disaster for many Western consumers. But now even 's high-purity refined nickel is rapidly being displaced by a new generation of Chinese and Indonesian producers.



Telephone scammers swindled Russians out of over 100 billion rubles "for the Armed Forces of Ukraine" in 2024

These data were provided by Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank Stanislav Kuznetsov.

He claims that since the beginning of the year, russians have given about 250 billion rubles to telephone scammers. 40% of this amount allegedly went to finance the Armed Forces of Ukraine.