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Rücktransport von hochradioaktiven Abfällen aus in Frankreich nach genehmigt. ☠

Weitere Verschiebung - gauckelt Lösung für den Müll vor, die es nicht gibt.
Derweil, , Transporte ( u.a. via Hamburg), Gronau, Lingen laufen weiter. Betreiber der Brennelementefabrik will mit von zusammenarbeiten und hat Fakten geschaffen. Russische Ingenieure sind schon in Lingen gewesen um die Maschinen zusammen zu montieren. Schaffen fakten. Obwohl Genehmigungsverfahren für das Vorhaben noch läuft.


President Vladimir said on Thursday that the would be directly fighting with if it allowed to strike Russian territory with Western-made long-range missiles.

"So this is not a question of allowing the Ukrainian regime to strike Russia with these weapons or not. It is a question of deciding whether or not countries are directly involved in a military conflict," Putin told Russian state TV.



During the Presidential debate Donald Trump was asked specifically - yes or no - if he wanted Ukraine, a sovereign democracy, to win its war against the Russian invaders...

Trump REFUSED to say 'yes'!

If elected, Trump will gift Ukraine to Putin on a silver platter.

Putin is still fighting the war because he believes he can put Trump in the White House this November.

Supporters of President Vladimir and his war in were set to win gubernatorial races across , according to early vote counts on Sunday, including in where Ukrainian forces have seized control of some towns and territory.

Alexei , who has led the region since May, has received nearly 66% of the vote so far, according to data from the Russian Central Election Commission.


"In 2016 and 2020, Russia employed armies of internet trolls, fake accounts and bot farms to try to reach American audiences, with debatable success. The operation that prosecutors described this week shows a pivot to exploiting already established social media influencers, who, in this case, generated as many as 16 million views on Tenet’s YouTube channel alone.

~ Steven Lee Myers, Ken Bensinger, and Jim Rutenberg

