#OtD 27 Feb 1973 armed Native American activists occupied Wounded Knee, South Dakota, in protest at corruption and US treaty breaches with Native Americans. Despite state violence and killings they held out for 71 days and galvanised huge support https://stories.workingclasshistory.com/article/9898/wounded-knee-occupation
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If sitdown strikes changed anything, they'd be illegal... #OtD 27 Feb 1939 the US Supreme Court ruled that sitdown strikes were illegal after years of successful working-class direct action using that tactic https://stories.workingclasshistory.com/article/7378/sit-down-strikes-ruling
#OtD 27 Feb 1937 Lawrence K Ryan, from Las Vegas, a member of the IWW was seriously wounded during the attack at Jarama during the Spanish Civil War. He had joined the Abraham LincolnBrigade https://workingclasshistory.com/podcast/e39-the-spanish-civil-war-an-introduction/
#OtD 27 Feb 1937 Woolworth's sitdown strike of women workers in Detroit began. 150 women occupied their workplace and won improved pay and conditions, and helped galvanise the militant workers' movement sweeping the country at the time https://stories.workingclasshistory.com/article/9896/detroit-women's-sit-down-strike
#OtD 27 Feb 1933 Dutch bricklayer and council communist Marinus van der Lubbe set fire to the Reichstag in protest at Nazis hoping it would spark working class rebellion. Sadly it failed and was used by fascists as an excuse to repress communists https://stories.workingclasshistory.com/article/9894/reichstag-fire
#OtD 27 Feb 1922 80 women involved in the militant tenants' movement in Veracruz, Mexico, were gathered for a meeting where they happened upon their hated rent collector, and pelted him with stones https://stories.workingclasshistory.com/article/9893/veracruz-renters-attack-collector
#OtD 27 Feb 1902 Nobel prize-winning author John Steinbeck was born in Salinas, California. Many of his works featured radical, working class themes, including The Grapes of Wrath, and In Dubious Battle, about a fruit pickers' strike: https://stories.workingclasshistory.com/article/9892/birth-of-john-steinbeck
#OTD in 1920.
An inaugural meeting of the Bloomsbury Group's Memoir Club is arranged by Mary MacCarthy in London.
Among the people involved in the group were Virginia Woolf, John Maynard Keynes, E. M. Forster, Vanessa Bell, and Lytton Strachey.
Virginia Woolf at PG:
John Maynard Keynes:
E. M. Forster:
Lytton Strachey:
#OtD 26 Feb 1931 the La Placita raid took place in LA in a Latine neighbourhood, with dozens arrested and deported. Part of the illegal "Mexican repatriation" in which 1.8m people, mostly US citizens, were deported, with the support of labour unions. https://stories.workingclasshistory.com/article/9816/la-placita-raid
#OtD 26 Feb 1930 3000 unemployed workers demonstrated for jobs or relief payments in Los Angeles outside city hall during the great depression. The protest was broken up by police firing tear gas https://stories.workingclasshistory.com/article/9815/los-angeles-unemployed-protest
#OtD 26 Feb 1906 women orange carriers in Cerbère, France, went on strike demanding a pay increase they had been promised in 1903. 175 of 190 workers struck, leaving oranges on trains and blocking the border with Spain. Bosses caved after 24 hours https://stories.workingclasshistory.com/article/9814/cerb%C3%A8re-orange-strike
#OtD 26 Feb 1860 the Wiyot massacre took place when white settlers murdered up to 250 Indigenous Wiyot people at Tuluwat, California, then expelled them from their land. But they and their descendants kept fighting and by 2019 got back most of their land https://shop.workingclasshistory.com/products/500-years-of-indigenous-resistance-gord-hill
#OTD im Jahr 1933 wurde die Zentrale der Berliner KPD, das Karl-Liebknecht-Haus, von den Nazis geschlossen.
Kurze Zeit später wurde es von der SA besetzt, in Horst-Wessels-Haus umbenannt. Das ehemalige KPD-Haus wurde damit zum »wilden« KZ und Folterknast für Linke.
Kein Vergessen!
American philosopher and psychologist Mary Whiton Calkins died #OTD in 1930.
Calkins' work informed theory and research of memory, dreams and the self. In 1903, Calkins was the twelfth in a listing of fifty psychologists with the most merit, chosen by her peers. Calkins was refused a Ph.D. by Harvard University because of her gender.
#OTD in 1616.
Galileo Galilei is formally banned by the Roman Catholic Church from teaching or defending the view that the earth orbits the sun.
Galileo Galilei at PG: