
See tagged statuses in the local BookWyrm community

Peer-to-Peer and the Promise of Internet Equality, Phil Agre, 2003

"The peer-to-peer movement understands that architecture is politics, but it should not assume that architecture is a substitute for politics. Radically improved information and communication technologies do open new possibilities for institutional change. To explore those possibilities, though, technologists will need better ideas about institutions."


Is there a good reference of scaling with more users/clients, servers, content exchange, network topology etc. What happens when everything and everywhere is connected?

Looking for a more or less rigorous *model* to compare and contrast with e.g., how and protocols scale (at least in theory) and put some mathematical meat behind the recent "message passing" vs "shared heap" discussions.

Have been looking for this with little success so time to

community milestones:

Dec 2023: first server

Feb 2024: iOS push notifications

March 2024: ETH Zuerich analysis

June 2024: Instant onboarding on all clients

Nov 2024: realtime and home-screen apps

Dec 2024: rPGP audit, 20 known servers world-wide

Jan 2025: new store, UI integrated app-picker, webxdc push notifications.

Spring 2025: is coming :)

money used: ~600K EUR, a tiny amount compared to other messengers.

Even before the arrival of was the question of what of the web means quite murky, with multiple competing protocols at different abstraction layers. As frequently said, at one level the web is already decentralized so envisaging pure is also conceivable, why the need for (or whatever) "servers"?

We come to realize that the problem is not well defined. First of all it does matter what you assume about the distribution of silicon and networks...


i just had an extremely galaxybrained idea - so ingress bandwidth is free/cheap compared to egress on various cloud providers. for this archival tracker website i'm writing, how dope would it be to be able to provide a list of URLs to some dataset/website/etc., the server then streams that data, hashes it, discards it, generates a torrent file with the common domain as a web seed... and then the rest of this site kicks in where you have people who follow torrent .rss feeds with seedboxes to autoarchive them.

Content warning Tech history - WASTE, an early, decentralized P2P protocol

People like to say "email leaks metadata" but consider this: Delta apps do not store group metadata (memberlists, group names, avatars, keys) on servers. By comparison,

- stores group metadata unencrypted on home servers and replicates it to other federated matrix servers

- stores encrypted group metadata on Amazon cloud servers

uses a messaging model for encrypted group metadata where servers function as transport only.