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But New York, the world's biggest financial center, can bring them to heel. Through new rules requiring them to use their economic leverage to steer industries like energy, agriculture and manufacturing toward net zero emissions, our state can lead the nation, be an example to the world and safeguard us against the Trump administration's likely rollbacks


Almost 4 satellites fall back to Earth every day and they rain out aluminum oxide into the stratosphere which destroys the ozone layer. These satellites are more and more problematic with every article I read. Edit: corrected microsatellites to satellites per @sundogplanets 's correction that these are larger satellites than microsatellites.


allowing participants to celebrate nature’s beauty while also learning about the devastating impacts of climate change.
Organizers have found that immersive experiences help individuals internalize the importance of climate action, fostering both awareness and asense of responsibility.


Communities in take to court for oil spills

At least 1.5 million tons of crude oil has been spilt in the Niger Delta since 1958, writes PAVAN KULKANI

JUSTICE OVERDUE: Activists stage an ‘Ecocide Babe’ stunt outside The Royal Courts Of Justice, central London where the Ogale and Bille communities v Shell hearing is taking place

NIGERIA has suffered hundreds of oil leaks and spills from Shell’s infrastructure in the country. Devastated by the contamination of their land and water sources, the Bille and Ogale communities have successfully put the oil giant in the dock at the London High Court after a decade-long struggle.


Big polluters funnel 75% of profits to shareholders, not clean energy

Research by Friends of the Earth found that Europe’s top high-carbon firms have handed shareholders most of their profits in the last 13 years – now they want public handouts


The climate crisis will lead to mass migration of humanity. Americans included

By 2070, more than 3 billion people could find themselves living outside of humanity's “climate niche.” You will be among them, or receiving them


How bad is it? No one really knows. And no one in power cares.

Our brains are full of plastic.

Scientists still don’t know what this plastic is doing to us. And because research takes time, while scientists try to answer the question we just keep inhaling, eating, and drinking tiny pieces of plastic.

Why? Regulatory action has never really stopped the U.S. plastics industry from cranking out more plastic, even as clean air and water advocates try to fight the industry’s pollution problems. And now back in office is a President beholden to fossil fuel interests, a leader who uses his new powers to demand the use of plastic straws and an administration that is hell-bent on crippling EPA’s mission to keep us safe rather than empowering it.

Meanwhile, we do not know what all this plastic is doing to us. And no one currently in charge seems …

Many people, including me, thought that capitalism could be reformed to protect the life supporting capacity of planet earth because capitalism as a system and capitalists as people had a collective interest in protecting life on earth.

This proposition is now pretty shaky.

Right-wing parties the world over have embraced greenwashing at best and climate science denialism at worst
