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Die -Klage von gegen ist nichts anderes als ein Spiegel für eigene politische Versäumnisse der : Nachdem jahrelang kleine Unternehmen versucht haben, das Monopol aufzubrechen und nichts passiert ist, könnte sich dies mit dem Einstieg eines Schwergewichts in den Ring nun ändern - Frage aber: Warum musste es überhaupt soweit kommen, wo wir in Europa doch eine der strengsten Digitalregulierungen der Welt haben? Mein Kommentar bei Security Insider:

Nuclear power

This is personal for me. I remember the Three Mile Island meltdown. I was not in that location, but I remember how close it came to a major disaster that would have impacted a wide area. Before that meltdown I remember listening to nuclear energy "experts" exclaiming how safe and clean nuclear energy is.

Then Chernobyl happened. We were living in southern Germany downwind of that disaster. Our daughter was 11 months old and vulnerable. Unless you've lived this you cannot imagine what it is like to fear invisible radioactive fallout and the danger to your family. You keep your family inside, off the grass, out of the parks, away from pets, and you can't get information about the danger. We were lucky and were able to return to the US shortly after. But you never forget the experience.

And then Fukushima.

You get the idea. I don't …

Lobbyism is killing AI regulation in California. Not a surprise but very sad:
and opposed the legislation, saying it could stifle innovation and set back the United States in the global race to dominate Venture capital investors, including Andreessen Horowitz, said the measure would hurt A.I. start-ups that didn’t have the resources required to test their systems.”
Gift article