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will require public schools to post the Ten Commandments
By Ann Telnaes

The want to eliminate of Religion and instead force all to obey one state sponsored .

That is the opposite of American freedom. That is aka .

The specifically calls for freedom of religion.

Justice spoke candidly about the ideological battle between the left & the right—discussing the difficulty of living “peacefully" w/ideological opponents in the face of "fundamental" differences that "can't be compromised." He endorsed…a necessary fight to “return our country to a place of godliness."


It's pretty crazy that these extremists believe that if returned, he would be on their side. These fuckers represent the exact opposite of Jesus's teachings, and exhibit all the behavior Jesus specifically opposed. It's almost as if they never read the damn book they claim to revere and live by.


' According to speaker notes accompanying one slide, teachers were told that "Christianity challenged the notion that religion should be subservient to the goals of the state ..." That slide quotes the Bible to assert that "[c]ivil government must be respected, but the state is not God." Teachers were told the same principle is embedded in the Declaration of Independence. '


Now revealed we have a in the

to be furious at 🤬

Last week saw the…report that his wife (?) flew a flag upside down—signaling either that the country is in danger or that the election was stolen—in the days after the Jan. 6

This week, the NY Times further reports that was flying an flag at his NJ beach house this past summer. That flag is not merely another signifier but is also rooted in John Locke’s “appeal to heaven,” meaning “a responsibility to rebel, even use violence, to overthrow unjust rule”


is not some fever dream or conspiracy theory liberals have come up with.

It's a real, 920-page manifesto for neutralizing the civil service and concentrating power in the hands of an autocratic president.

It's the conservative plan to take over the country. It's what's at stake in this .


@DefendDemocracy @DemocracyMattersALot

Adrian Horton reviews the new documentary "Bad Faith," tracking the rise of Christian nationalism in US politics today. As the film notes, Christian nationalist ideas have always been there in US culture, but they're on steroids today.

The current pseudo-religious political movement got underway with the formation of the Moral Majority by Republican strategist Paul Weyrich in the 1970s.



Taking essential away from needy children on is incredibly fucked up. These continue to claim exclusive ownership of while behaving in a way that would have infuriated their . They're literally acting directly contrary to the foundational teachings of the man they claim to revere and follow.
