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"It is mind-boggling to think that after seven years of Trump’s divisive lies and stochastic vitriol, his fascist tendencies ('Lock Her Up!' 'I’d like to punch him in the face!') Iowa’s white Christians, supposedly followers of the teachings of the same man Martin Luther King staked his life and rhetoric on, are driving the Trump bus back into the center of American power."

~ Nina Burleigh



A proper takedown of Christian Nationalism, but it seems to be for a specific audience

4 stars

Gushee correctly points out the errors in Christian Nationalism, but avoids the term because he dislikes it. He describes it as "authoritarian reactionary Christianity," which I dislike because "reactionary" seems to put them on the defensive justifiably, whereas in my opinion, Christian nationalists haven't been wronged and have nothing to defend themselves for.

His solution to the growing problem is a covenental approach towards society (as in Covenant Theology, see Puritans, Reformed Baptists), nurtured by participation in a Baptist polity. That is, as people are brought up in the church to participate in a local congregational church government, they are in training for a democratic participation/covenant in the broader community. But the covenental approach is decidedly religious in nature and fails to take the atheist into account, other than acknowledging separation of church and state and that "all are equal." It doesn't offer Enlightenment solutions because the covenant itself is …

The Baptists had. insisted that the way Jesus made disciples was by teaching and persuasion, not by co-ercion. They held that the government has no competence in religion, and when it seeks to enforce faith it creates wars of religion and hypocrites who claim a faith they do not actually hold. ... Flollowing a thicker Jesus rules out coercion and thus contributes to religious liberty. The sovereignty of God through all of life requires Christian responsibility in every area and thus bestows democracy to society. -Glen Harold Stassen (2012)

Defending Democracy from Its Christian Enemies by  (Page 144)

A firm rebuke of #ChristianNationalism

Greg Olear's warning about what we face if Trump regains the White House:

"In short, a war on women’s healthcare, contraception, LGBTQ rights, and a lot of the freedoms we take for granted. There will also be state-sanctioned vengeance against anyone who has betrayed Dear Leader. …

And if that weren’t enough, there will also be a fatal dose of rightwing Jesus. You know: the Jesus who hates his neighbor as he hates himself."


@CharleneTeglia and the whole JERUSALEM thing. My blood ran cold. I thought: “They will now think Trump is paving the way to bring literal freaking Jesus back and *bow down and worship* the orange clump.” The students at Regent University decided Trump was a prophet-king and made a whole movie about him. Some theocrats call Trump Cyrus45 (because we are Babylon. Or the Whore of, which is my personal preference).