
See tagged statuses in the local BookWyrm community

19.00 Uhr, Café Herzstiick,
im Rahmen der Reihe "Südwestfalen liest"

Eintritt 10,00 €
Whatsapp 01748602614 oder Email info@buecherbuyeva.de

RUTH: Das sind Gedichte über eine kreuz und ineinander verliebte Jugendclique. Außerdem: Gespräche über literarische Vorbilder, Crauss’ zu und Möglichkeiten, über das eigene Leben zu schreiben.

Hi I'm 90s Script Kiddie, I grew up online. I do and code stuff for my job. My hobbies are , , , ing stuff to keep it out of the landfill, old hardware, admin (I run my own mail, web, media etc servers) admin especially , I love , , - reading in general really. too! Jazz, alt-rock, pop, folk, chiptunes... I also enjoy and am trying to get better at it. Beliefs-wise I'm something of an anarchist, yearning for a future I'll probably never live in, but I do what I can to do for the people in my circle. If you're my friend, I will set up all your electronics for you, replace …

Friends! Queer Out Here is open for submissions 😁 I repeat, Queer Out Here, an audio zine that explores the outdoors from queer perspectives is open for submissions 🥳

Window for BIPOC queers only: until 1 April
General submissions: 1 April to 1 June
Theme (optional): Creativity
Audio length: 1-10 minutes

This will be our last release for a while so now is your last chance to contribute for a while.


Warte, Warte, WARTE!!!
Ich hab endlich begonnen "Carmilla" zu lesen, den sapphischen Vampirroman, der 20 Jahre vor Bram Stokers "Dracula" erschienen ist, und es spielt in Österreich!!?? In der Steiermark? Wie konnte mir das entgehen!
Sehr cosy, das Gefühl, dass wir lesbische Vampire hier haben. Seit knapp 150 Jahren. Finde, das sollte Tourismustechnisch auch mehr ausgenutzt werden. KernölVampirLesbianLove.

Because i believe art should be free, these anarcho-queer flags will be public domain/CC0-licensed.

I made these simple edits myself using the wikipedia trans symbol picture, the rest was just getting colors matched from the full-size anarcho-queer flag.

These are intended to be banners for profiles, however you may use them as you wish.

These were made in Krita.

I'm looking for audiobook recommendations! I just finished the Monk and Robot books by Becky Chambers and loved them.

I'm interested in , romance of and/or nature, sci-fi, gothic horror and fantasy settings. I prefer a "us vs. the world" style of drama rather than conflict between the main characters.

I could also use some alternatives to Audible (🏴‍☠️), for when the Libby queue is too long.