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"As Trump slides in the polls, he is increasingly focusing his campaign on demonizing immigrants, much more than talking about the economy, or any other issue. That’s dangerous, because his fake data about immigration, amplified by Fox News and other right-wing media, may foster more racial discrimination and hate crimes."

~ Andres Oppenheimer

It's all they've got.


"I know the guy was born in 1946 – 21 years before the US struck down state antimiscegenation statutes – but it’s 2024. It feels laughably out of touch to be publicly bemused by multiracial people when they are the fastest growing demographic in the US. …

While Vance has staked his future on Trump, it has never been more clear that the former president is a relic of the past."

~ Arwa Mahdawi


I recently finished reading Grace Ji-Sun Kim's When God Became White: Dismantling Whiteness for a More Just Christianity (Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity, 2024), and want to share some excerpts from this book.

I realize this is a theological (and Christian-focused) book, and not everyone will be interested in this topic — so forewarned is forearmed. Religion has a huge impact on politics and that impact needs to be understood, I'd add.



This is what the has been reduced to; attacking for hugging people. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic. They've got nothing of substance to say about her, so they're attacking her for her , her , her laugh, and her hugs. Anything to avoid confronting the fact that she's an amazing, well-qualified who's going to kick 's ass in November.

cc: @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews


Alicia Norman responds to Trump's attack on Kamala Harris with false claims that she has only recently "become black":

"As a Black woman with Cherokee Indian heritage, I prefer the term bi-ethnic or bi-cultural as opposed to mixed race because 1) we are all the same race—I mean, I didn’t mate with a giraffe, and 2) being mixed is closer to truth, again, for all of us."

~ Alicia Norman



"Trump campaign scrambles to blame Black journalists for Trump’s racism"


"The campaign knew it was a disaster before it was even over. What was supposed to be an hour-long question-and-answer session was abruptly cut short by Trump’s campaign after just 34 minutes—'an indication of how much of a train wreck it was for him,' tweeted Axios reporter Sophia Cai, 'and also how good the questioning was.'
Trump came out of the event on defense."