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Our traditional pre-launch issue infographic.

Over the last four months, we've had a 16.67% increase in submissions (while being down two to four editors) to reach a record 1,400 submissions.

Including our cover art, we have 22 accepted works giving us an acceptance rate of 1.6%, our second-lowest acceptance rate so far. (1.55% was our lowest).

If our submissions continue rising we expect this number to go down, as our number of published pieces stay about the same issue due to monetary reasons. We can only afford to pay ~20 authors and ~1-2 artists and still make rent. Unless our Patreon level doubles this year we expect this to stay the same.

We've changed our calculations for the genres at the bottom this issue. Rather than just showing the primary genre of each story, we're showing what % of the total stories the stories shared that genre. What do we …

We'd like to take a moment and further explain our most misunderstood journal topic:

Specifically what we at Radon mean when we use the term.

Radon advocates specifically for anarchist-transhumanism under a social anarchist lens.

We are actively fighting to reclaim the word transhumanism from the loud right-libertarian technocrats who are busy attaching their names to the ideology.

To be clear, we reject techno-libertarianism and the tech bros. We know that there is no path forward that benefits society while exists and the profit motive sticks around to ensure a cyberpunk dystopian future.

“Transhumanism demands that we interrogate our desires and values beyond the happenstance of What Is, accepting neither the authority of arbitrary social constructs like gender nor a blind fealty to how our bodies presently function.”

For more great information on this topic, please visit the anarcho-transhumanist FAQ at The Anarchist Library: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/librar …

Prose and Poetry are both open, but we are in most need of flash fiction and short stories!

Please submit and let us pay you 2¢/word and $20/poem for your excellent work.

We especially are looking for positive anarcho-transhumanist visions of the future for issue 6. We have had a number of wonderful critques of transhumanism under dystopian corporations and capitalism, but want to also put forward our idealistic vision of an anarchist society using advanced technology.

Direct fee-free Submittable link: https://radonjournal.submittable.com/submit

Another great opinion piece on AI an the lure of : as religion.

“When we put all these ideas together and boil them down, we get this basic proposition:

1. We may not have much time until life as we know it is over.
2. So we need to place a bet on something that can save us.
3. Since the stakes are so high, we should ante up and go all in on our bet.

Any student of religion will immediately recognize this for what it is: apocalyptic logic.”

“Silicon Valley’s vision for AI? It’s religion, repackaged.”


Now listening to: Bizarre and Dangerous Utopian Ideology Has Quietly Taken Hold of Tech World

“It’s really important for people to understand what this bundle of ideologies is, because it’s become so hugely influential, and is shaping our world right now, and will continue to shape it for the foreseeable future,” says philosopher and historian Émile P. Torres. In this episode of “Movement Memos,” host Kelly Hayes and Torres discuss what activists should know about longtermism and TESCREAL." @MsKellyMHayes speaking with @xriskology
