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Kate Elizabeth Russell: My Dark Vanessa (Paperback, 2020, William Morrow) 4 stars

Well worth the read

4 stars

An uncomfortable but engrossing read and a mirror of sorts to the novel Lolita, which Russell clearly admires as much as I do. Though the prose is not as sublime as Nabokov's, it's well-written and engaging. Set before and after #MeToo Vanessa's story, what happens to her, and how she struggles with her experiences all feel extremely true and real. Though the subject matter is horrible, this is an important and compelling read, potentially at its best as a chaser to Lolita by Nabokov.

Send me as much info about people you know that have been or from

Imagine if some famous man had all his followers disappear!

5k was a lot on Mastodon. I brought my friends from Twitter. Known some for decades. Now disappeared.

I'm working on an article to be published in a global news site.

especially, it seems that those of us with large accounts have been hit the hardest. Made invisible. Hidden behind

If this site is all we have left, we have to fight for it.

4 THOUSAND followers disappeared. Now my friends, the ones I follow, disappear by the hundreds overnight.


Affaire Tariq Ramadan: la cour d’appel de Paris demande finalement un procès pour des viols sur trois femmes

Une décision déroutante a été rendue jeudi dans cette affaire emblématique des débuts de l’ère , marquée par un débat juridique complexe autour de la notion de «contrainte morale». Les deux parties envisagent de se pourvoir en cassation.


Content warning Long thread/50

Another day, another far-right conservative Christian is discovered to be a pedophile.

> Morris, a former member of President Donald Trump’s spiritual advisory committee, had long told a story to his congregation and church leaders about a “moral failure” involving sexual sin when he was a young minister in his 20s.


Zugegeben, das sollte ich viel öfter posten,

Miss Jones steht für und die Freude an der kulturellen Vielfalt auf unserem Planeten. Dafür, dass wir alle gut leben können. Rassismus behindert das.

Das trifft als nicht nur, die Betroffenen. In meinem Artikel über habe ich über einen Übergriff, den ich erlebt habe, erzählt. Ich wurde nicht ernst genommen, weil der Täter kein "Ausländer" war.

Ein Rückblick auf meinen MeToo Beitrag: