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Wie wirkt sich eine unordentliche Umgebung auf unsere Psyche aus und wie kommen wir durch Struktur und Ordnung in unserem Umfeld besser mit uns selbst klar, um den schwarzen Hund dadurch auf seinen Platz verweisen können.

Tauscht Erfahrungen in einer tollen Gemeinschaft aus. Schmeißt das Chaos aus dem Pit, rock mit uns ab 19:30 Uhr auf Discord! https://discord.gg/Kcw5kTY7m4

Aber pünktlich sein – ab 19:45 Uhr ist der Kanal zu!


Veranstaltet durch Anders? = Anders! e.V. und die Initiative von e.V.


> Sitting on the floor... staring at visibly clean, visible tiles... and the scattered crumbs of a lived life, that arguably exist for there to be something miscellaneous that ends up on floors... I wonder what sorts of crumbs will wind up on the floor of my lived life for me to vacuum up next...!
—"the mess is relative." @ohellofedefo@wordsmith.social

"Despite those evolving strategies, from 2001 through 2021 suicide rates increased most years, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Provisional data for 2022, the most recent numbers available, shows deaths by suicide grew an additional 3% over the previous year. CDC officials project the final number of suicides in 2022 will be higher."


My second week in seek leave and i feel guilty for not making enough progress in getting my grip again, but aslso i am proud that i asked for help (and my doctor was happy that i finally did).

Times like this are times for my self portrait series that mostly show my in various stages of depression. Sometimes hanging by a threat, weak, but mostly trying to get up after a fall.

This one too. It shows me climbing over an edge back up,

"For the past few years, I’ve been working on a documentary film and podcast called 'Silence in Sikeston.' The project is about two killings that happened decades apart in this Missouri city: a lynching in 1942 of a young Black man named Cleo Wright and a 2020 police shooting of another young Black man, Denzel Taylor. My reporting explored the trauma that festered in the silence around their killings."


"When shootings of any magnitude occur, they often leave the survivors with invisible injuries that can create life-changing symptoms that sometimes paralyze them.But such problems can take time to emerge. Panic attacks and anxiety can spike across a community after a shooting and can be most intense when people return to the scene, said Howard Liu, chair of the Council on Communications for the American Psychiatric Association."


Hi, I'm Monika and I suffer from anxiety. Today was not a good day for me, so I just wanted to remind myself and everyone that it's OK to have bad days.

- It's OK to spend an entire bad day in bed
- It's OK to take several naps during one bad day
- It's OK to binge a whole season of your comfort TV show during one bad day

Bad days are not making us bad people. We are doing nothing wrong. We are just taking a day to take care of us. That's how we make tomorrow a good day.

"Aspiring Texas psychologists hope to earn certification and start work faster under a new licensing examination that would be created by the state. The plan, which is catching the eye of other states, calls for Texas boards to conduct state certification tests, eliminating the need for more expensive and time-intensive national certification tests."
