Giving a talk to the British-Lithuanian Society at beginning of February. Details 👇
#Lithuania #Baltics #Latvia #Estonia #Ukraine #russia #RussiaUkraineWar #ukrainewar #nato #security #propaganda #geopolitics #Disinformation #war
See tagged statuses in the local BookWyrm community
Giving a talk to the British-Lithuanian Society at beginning of February. Details 👇
#Lithuania #Baltics #Latvia #Estonia #Ukraine #russia #RussiaUkraineWar #ukrainewar #nato #security #propaganda #geopolitics #Disinformation #war
❓ How did Russian #propaganda affect the 2024 EU #elections❓
🚨 Join us for our first webinar of 2025 this Thursday afternoon to learn more with Vera Tolz and Stephen Hutchings (University of Manchester) 👇
Die meisten Menschen sind nicht in der Lage, zwischen rechtsextremer #Propaganda, Satire und Reklame zu unterscheiden. Sie glauben einfach alles – auch dass ein Analogkäse ein edles und köstliches Erzeugnis wäre.
#Propaganda betreiben nur die Putins dieser Welt, oder? Über eine weitverbreitete Falschannahme und wie sie zustande kam.
#Propaganda findet sich auch in unscheinbaren Aussagen, hinter denen kleine Welterklärungen stecken. Zum Beipiel: Unternehmen schaffen Arbeitsplätze, Leistung soll sich lohnen, die Steuerlast soll sinken.
Wenn Milliardäre und Antidemokraten die Presse kapern: Wie Elon Musk und Co. die Demokratie gefährden ##Antidemokraten, ##Demokratie, ##Desinformation, ##Geschichte, ##Kampagne, ##Macht, ##Manipulation, ##Meinung, ##Narrative, ##Presse, ##Pressefreiheit, ##Propaganda
Die Desinformationsfreiheit
Die Springer Gruppe ist seit Gründung mehr medialer Spaltpilz denn Garant der Meinungsfreiheit. Heute ein um Faktenfreiheit bemühter, fossil wie rechtsaffin lodernder Propagandakanal im […] …
Zum Weiterlesen den Link benutzen.
#demokratie #döpfner #propaganda #springer
This is not a parody, it's state #propaganda. It was shown on #Russian TV
...2 days after #Russia shot down an #Azerbaijan Airlines passenger plane, killing 38 people
Besides that tone deafness, you could view it as mere anti-#West (the Coca Cola, the #NATO, the traditional Father Frost). But please note it is not a defensive posture, it's #ethnonationalist and violent. It might be harmless during peacetime, but it's tasteless, at least, considering what Russia is doing in #Ukraine
Apologies for posting this here, but it is relevant, as many of us use Wikipedia believing it’s some sort of neutral source.
There’s been a lot of buzz online lately about Elon Musk referring to Wikipedia as “woke.”(a meaning completely/succesffully reversed-engineered by the far-right - a story 4 another day). Nothing could be further from the truth
Wikipedia is a tool of the ruling elite
US agency focused on foreign disinformation shuts down
The Global Engagement Center, a State Department unit established in 2016, shuttered on Monday at a time when officials and experts tracking propaganda have been warning of the risk of disinformation campaigns from US adversaries such as Russia and China. Congress failed to extend its funding following years of Republican criticism.
Geächtete Kampfmittel - Russland produziert laut US-Medien Biowaffen
Russland produziert in einem Labor bei Moskau wahrscheinlich biologische Waffen. Die Washington Post und Radio Liberty veröffentlichten Hinweise darauf.#Biowaffen #BiologischeWaffen #Kampfmittel #Russland #Ukraine #Krieg #Labor #Krankheitserreger #Konvention #geächtet #Propaganda #USA #WashingtonPost #RadioLibertyinPrag
Biowaffen: Russland produziert offenbar geächtete Kampfmittel
"EU Commission tried to influence political views in the Netherlands. In the contentious fight over the heavily criticized chat control regulation (a proposed EU law that could undermine all encrypted online communication to allow authorities to read online chats), the European Commission has identified the Netherlands as a Member State that they wanted to influence politically. In an attempt to "flip" the views in the Netherlands, the Commission went to X/Twitter and made postings indirectly promoting this Regulation."
#EU #EC #Propaganda #ChatControl #SocialMedia #Netherlands #PoliticalMicroTargeting
📰 Świeża #Januszewska:
"Najpierw migranci, teraz aktywiści klimatyczni – obecny rząd śladem poprzedniego nie ustaje w szczuciu na niewinnych ludzi. Efekty? Konfederata i patocelebrytka atakują na oślep osoby, które działają na rzecz dobra publicznego w warszawskim Gnieździe – Centrum Aktywizmu Klimatycznego."
Russia’s propaganda machine is running roughshod in Canada “A key issue we are facing in Canada is the difficulty distinguishing between #Russian #propaganda and well-informed, constructive debate. As propaganda gets absorbed into everyday discourse, our democratic debates are reframed and made increasingly inflammatory. Polarization occurs. (1/2)