Books I Physically Own Public

Created by pixouls

  1. Dream Trippers by ,

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    Over the past few decades, Daoism has become a recognizable part of Western “alternative” spiritual life. Now, that Westernized version …

  2. Unnamable by 

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    Redraws the contours of Asian American art, attempting to free it from a categorization that stifles more than it reveals. …

  3. National abjection by 

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    National Abjection explores the vexed relationship between "Asian Americanness" and "Americanness” through a focus on drama and performance art. Karen …

  4. Virtual orientalism by 

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    Saffron-robed monks and long-haired gurus have become familiar characters on the American popular culture scene. Jane Iwamura examines the contemporary …

  5. Introduction to Permaculture by ,

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    The Manual with its detailed coverage of design strategies for Earth's climates is a weighty read. Some wish to make …

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