Cybernetic Communism Public

Created by Emil

It is through the science of cybernetics that we find answers to many of the economic and social problems of 20th century socialism. Cybernetics will be instrumental in the building of 21st century socialism and yet it is rarely discussed among the contemporary left. Enjoy!

Part of this list was inspired by which has additional links to articles, podcast and videos that are outside the scope of this list.

  1. Grondbeginselen der communistische productie en distributie by ,

    5 stars

    In Grondbeginselen der communistische productie en distributie (1930) zet de Groep Internationale Communisten (GIC) de organisatie, productie en reproductie van …

  2. Red Plenty by 

    5 stars

    Strange as it may seem, the gray, oppressive USSR was founded on a fairy tale. It was built on the …

  3. The People's Republic of Walmart by 

    4 stars

    For the left and the right, major multinational companies are held up as the ultimate expressions of free-market capitalism. Their …

  4. Towards a New Socialism by 

    3 stars

    These two authors, an economist and a computer scientist, seek to rescue socialism from its detractors. Socialist planning, they believe, …

  5. Che Guevara by 

    4 stars

    Che Guevara remains an iconic figure, four decades after his death. Yet his most significant contribution - his work as …

  6. Cybernetic Revolutionaries by 

    4 stars

    In Cybernetic Revolutionaries, Eden Medina tells the history of two intersecting utopian visions, one political and one technological. The first …

  7. From Newspeak to Cyberspeak by 

    No rating

    In this book, Slava Gerovitch argues that Soviet cybernetics was not just an intellectual trend but a social movement for …

  8. How Not to Network a Nation by 

    4 stars

    How, despite thirty years of effort, Soviet attempts to build a national computer network were undone by socialists who seemed …

  9. Brain of the firm by 

    No rating

    "Stafford Beer is undoubtedly among the world's most provocative, creative, and profound thinkers on the subject of management, and he …

  10. Designing freedom by  (The Stafford Beer classic library)

    No rating

    In these 1973 Massey Lectures, Stafford Beer states the case for a new science of systems theory and cybernetics. His …

  11. Laws of Chaos by ,

    No rating

    A defining work of Econophysics, republished for the first time since 1983, Laws of Chaos is an attempt to construct …

  12. Cybernetics by 

    No rating

    Cybernetics: Or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine is a book written by Norbert Wiener and published …

  13. The human use of human beings by 

    3 stars

    The Human Use of Human Beings is a book by Norbert Wiener, the founding thinker of cybernetics theory and an …

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