learning to hear, prioritize, and usefully act on warnings at the institutional level Public

Created by luketoop

From Erin Kissane’s thread at mas.to/@kissane/111075801592478081

  1. Meltdown by ,

    4 stars

    "Weaving together cutting-edge social science with riveting stories that take us from the frontlines of the Volkswagen scandal to backstage …

  2. The Checklist Manifesto by 

    5 stars

    We live in a world of great and increasing complexity, where even the most expert professionals struggle to master the …

  3. The Fifth Risk by 

    4 stars

    Michael Lewis's brilliant narrative takes us into the engine rooms of a government under attack by its own leaders. In …

  4. The Ministry for the Future by 

    4 stars

    The Ministry for the Future is a cli-fi novel by American science fiction writer Kim Stanley Robinson published in 2020. …

  5. Normal accidents by 

    4 stars

    "Normal" accidents, or system accidents, are so-called by Perrow because such accidents are inevitable in extremely complex systems. Given the …

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