A list of books that study witches, witchcraft, tales about witches, ... But from a definitely feminist perspective, seeing witches not as ugly women that one should be afraid of, but as wise women whose knowledge may seem threatening to male dominance.
On witches Public
Created and curated by ruettet
Witches, Witch-Hunting, and Women by Silvia Federici
5 stars
We are witnessing a new surge of interpersonal and institutional violence against women, including new witch hunts. This surge of …
ruettet says: Even when Federici's "Beyond the Periphery of the Skin" is deeply problematic (www.full-stop.net/2020/05/28/reviews/cory-austin-knudson/beyond-the-periphery-of-the-skin-silvia-federici/), her work on with-hunting deserves a spot in this list.
Caliban and the Witch by Silvia Federici
4 stars
Caliban and the Witch is a history of the body in the transition to capitalism. Moving from the peasant revolts …
ruettet says: Even when Federici's "Beyond the Periphery of the Skin" is deeply problematic (www.full-stop.net/2020/05/28/reviews/cory-austin-knudson/beyond-the-periphery-of-the-skin-silvia-federici/), her work on with-hunting deserves a spot in this list.
Sorcières - La puissance invaincue des femmes by Mona Chollet
4 stars
Tremblez, les sorcières reviennent ! disait un slogan féministe des années 1970. Image repoussoir, représentation misogyne héritée des procès et …