Someone has died, and the contents of the will are a surprise to everyone, especially the people who thought they were going to inherit.
The Will Said What!? Public
Created and curated by lastblossom
The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes (The Inheritance Games, #1)
3 stars
Avery Grambs has a plan for a better future: survive high school, win a scholarship, and get out. But her …
These Deadly Prophecies by Andrea Tang
Being an apprentice to one of the world's most famous sorcerers has its challenges; Tabatha Zeng just didn’t think they …
Final Word by Janet Sumner Johnson (The Winterton Deception, #1)
Hope Smith can’t stand rich people—the dictionary magnate family the Wintertons most of all. Not since she and her twin …
The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin
4 stars
The mysterious death of an eccentric millionaire brings together an unlikely assortment of heirs who must uncover the circumstances of …