This collection dives into the intersection of technology, politics, and culture, offering a glimpse into the evolving world of radical thought and futurism. From Joshua Citarella's exploration of online memetic subcultures to Josh Davila's take on the radical potential of blockchain, each book presents a unique perspective on the challenges and possibilities shaping our future. Whether delving into hacking cultures, navigating the complexities of contemporary capitalism, or questioning the very concept of "the Future," these titles invite readers to reflect on the current state of affairs and imagine the paths that lie ahead.
Future 2024 Public
Created and curated by dmtrs
Politigram and the Post-Left by Joshua Citarella
An insightful exploration of online memetic subcultures, delving into the world of gen Z teens as they navigate radical political …
Blockchain Radicals by Josh Davila
4 stars
Blockchain Radicals uncovers the radical political potential of the blockchain, showing how it can be used by the left in …
Resistance to the Current by Johan Soderberg, Maxigas, Richard Barbrook
5 stars
How hacking cultures drive contemporary capitalism and the future of innovation.
In Resistance to the Current, Johan Söderberg and Maxigas …
Futurability by Franco Berardi
5 stars
We live in an age of impotence. Stuck between global war and global finance, between identity and capital, we seem …
For Marc Augé, best-selling author of Non-Places, the prevailing idea of “the Future” rests on our present fears of the …