1L misc Public

Created and curated by solarist

Books mentioned in 1L courses.

  1. Increasing returns and path dependence in the economy by  (Economics, cognition, and society)

    No rating

    solarist says:

    PRC Company and Securities. Path dependence.

  2. The common law by  (Law & society series)

    No rating

    Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. is generally considered one of the greatest justices of the United States Supreme Court. In more …

    solarist says:

    Chinese Civil Law

  3. solarist says:

    Constitutional Law.

  4. solarist says:


  5. solarist says:

    PRC Company and Securities.

  6. solarist says:

    PRC Company and Securities.

  7. solarist says:

    Chinese Constitutional Law

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