Retiring after 21 years in the US Army, here are books I recommend to the junior soldiers in my field for professional development.
Military professional development Public
Created and curated by venya
The Children's Illustrated Clausewitz, Volume 1 by Caitlin Fitz Gerald
5 stars
The Children’s Illustrated Clausewitz, whilst improbable, is just what it sounds like: an illustrated re-telling of 19th-century Prussian officer Carl …
venya says: Don't laugh until you read it.
What Have We Done by David Wood, David Bowne Wood
5 stars
Most Americans are now familiar with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and its prevalence among troops. In this groundbreaking new book, …
You Don't Belong Here by Elizabeth Becker
4 stars
Kate Webb, an Australian iconoclast, Catherine Leroy, a French daredevil photographer, and Frances FitzGerald, a blue-blood American intellectual, arrived in …
Gangsters of Capitalism by Jonathan M. Katz
4 stars
A groundbreaking journey tracing America’s forgotten path to global power―and how its legacies shape our world today―told through the extraordinary …
Discovering the Rommel Murder by Charles F Marshall
4 stars
Field Marshal Erwin Rommel's heroic opposition to Hitler in 1944 cost him his life. In this intriguing, well-paced tale of …
4 stars
A chilling, globe-spanning detective story, tracking an elite group of Russian hackers and the future of global warfare
In 2014, …
4 stars
Vietnam became the Western world’s most divisive modern conflict, precipitating a battlefield humiliation for France in 1954, then a vastly …
The Fall of the House of Dixie by Bruce C. Levine
4 stars
In this major new history of the Civil War, Bruce Levine tells the riveting story of how that conflict upended …
Medal of Honor by Roy Benavidez
Half-Hispanic, half-Yaqui Indian, and an orphan, Roy Benavidez fought his way out of poverty and bigotry to serve with the …
5 stars
A startlingly frank memoir of one woman's struggles with alcoholism and recovery, with essential new insights into addiction and treatment …
venya says: This doesn't have anything DIRECTLY to do with the military profession--but if you can't connect these dots, you probably should not be an analyst.
5 stars
From one of our finest military historians, a monumental work that shows us at once the truly global reach of …
Code Over Country by Matthew Cole
5 stars
A hard-hitting exposé of SEAL Team 6, the US military’s best-known brand, that reveals how the Navy SEALs were formed, …