The Texts I will read sooner than others
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Created by nnwhen
Ten arguments for deleting your social media accounts right now by Jaron Lanier
4 stars
You might have trouble imagining life without your social media accounts, but virtual reality pioneer Jaron Lanier insists that were …
Red Planets by Mark Bould, China Miéville
Science fiction and socialism have always had a close relationship. Many sf novelists and filmmakers are leftists. Others examine explicit …
The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas by Ursula K. Le Guin
5 stars
Some inhabitants of a peaceful kingdom cannot tolerate the act of cruelty that underlies its happiness.
4 stars
A dark fantasy historical novella that gives a supernatural twist to the Ku Klux Klan's reign of terror.
D. W. …
4 stars
bell hooks gibt in diesem Buch eine treffende Analyse patriarchaler Stereotypen von Männlichkeit und die Auswirkungen auf uns alle. Insbesondere …