David Loye: Ecodharma: Buddhist Teachings for the Ecological Crisis (2019, Wisdom Publications) No rating

How can we respond urgently and effectively to the ecological crisis—and stay sane doing it? …

So the issue isn't whether I have exclusive access to my toothbrush or similar personal items. The question is whether wealthy people and corporations should be free to own as much property as they want, and whether they should be able to utilize that property (especially land) in any way they want-including ways that damage the earth. Today the bottom line, with few exceptions, is "hands off" if they earned their money legally and bought the property legally. It's theirs, so they can do more or less whatever they want with it. If the earth is to survive the onslaught of our species, however, this social agreement about property to be rethought. Instead of focusing only on what is beneficial to one what about the well-being of the planet? Is there another alternative besides relating to "it" (we're talking about Mother Earth here!) as something for humans to exploit?

Ecodharma: Buddhist Teachings for the Ecological Crisis by  (Page 92)