Benjamin Percy: The wilding (2010, Graywolf Press) 4 stars

"Echo Canyon, a disappearing pocket of wilderness outside Bend, Oregon, is the site of conflicting …

Review of 'The wilding' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Look, an owl! Half-way through The Wilding I was enjoying the clear, descriptive, and often insightful prose and the suspense that builds through the story. And, I found the testosterone and metaphor propelled story little ridiculous, but a lot of fun.

Reading through the last half of the book I continued feel this way, but found myself reflecting more and more on themes of masculinity, civilization, and wildness that Percy explores through the novel. While the characters can be somewhat cartoonish, this seems to meant for effect, because Percy recognizes the tensions and the ambiguities within and between these themes.

Enjoyed hearing Ben at Micawber's in St. Paul on 12/6. He has a great voice and an affable manner.