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Grigor's books

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Grigor has read 0 of 12 books.

Søren Mau: Mute Compulsion: A Marxist Theory of the Economic Power of Capital (Paperback, 2023, Verso) 5 stars

A new Marxist theory of the abstract and impersonal forms of power in capitalism

Despite …

Abstract, insightful, a theoretical weapon in the fight against capital

5 stars

Pretty much the hit of Marxist theory for 2023.

The book positions its analysis in pretty abstract terms, not analyzing particular historical instances of the capitalist mode of production, but "capital in its ideal average" - tendencies, structures and laws that constitute the essence of this mode of production, regardless of, or across, its different historical and geographical instantiations. While this mode of analysis might seem harder to grasp at first, it elucidates the logic and concepts that enable our domination, and give as the necessary theoretical tools to further analyse concrete examples and dynamics.

As the title suggests, the book sets forward a theory of the "economic power of capital". In the Marxist tradition, two forms of power have been thoroughly discussed and analyzed as the means by which capital relations of production manage to take hold and maintain their grip over society: violence and ideology. Violence refers to …