Ibup rated El mal de Portnoy: 4 stars

El mal de Portnoy by Philip Roth (Biblioteca Philip Roth)
Though is caused outrage and controversy at the time of its publication Roth’s comic novel of sexual obsession and frustration …
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Though is caused outrage and controversy at the time of its publication Roth’s comic novel of sexual obsession and frustration …
Misfits Alice and Mattia bond as teens over shared experiences of suffering before mathematically gifted Mattia accepts a research position …
Misfits Alice and Mattia bond as teens over shared experiences of suffering before mathematically gifted Mattia accepts a research position …
Conviene que nos detengamos en ese desfiladero, en ese paso estrecho, en el que Freud mismo se detiene y retrocede …
Civilization and Its Discontents is a book by Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis. It was written in 1929 and …