V. C. Andrews: Sage's Eyes (2016, Simon & Schuster) 4 stars

"Sixteen-year-old Sage is a lonely child. Her adoptive parents watch her obsessively, as if studying …

Review of "Sage's Eyes" on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This was a quick read. It is the engrossing story of an adopted child who feels different to everyone else. Poor Sage wants so badly to fit in and have friends and be like other teens. Though not so badly that she can stop talking about things she should have no knowledge of. Sage has vivid memories of things that could not possibly have happened to her, at least not in this lifetime. She knows things about other people that she has no way of knowing. Every time she opens her mouth she seems to be a constant source of embarrassment to her parents who warn her repeatedly not to speak of these visions she has. She is barely allowed out of the house and always under interrogation by her parents over every little detail. They seem to be studying her and treat her more like an exhibit or a lab rat than a daughter. She is never allowed to question her parents or know her relatives other than an uncle. They refuse to answer any questions about her birth mother. Sage begins to suspect that all is not what it seems with her adoptive parents and she is determined to discover the truth about them and about herself. The relationship between the parents seemed somewhat underdeveloped to me but I enjoyed this story and wonder what the future has in store for Sage. She is a very strong character and I doubt this will be the last we hear of her.

I received an advance copy for review