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borgbookcollective Locked account

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borgbookcollective's books

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Currently Reading

Geoff White: The Lazarus Heist (2022, ‎ Penguin Business) 5 stars

Fantastic overview of Lazarus Group (APT38)

5 stars

The book gives a nice overview of the more famous hacks from North Korea's very own Lazarus Group (APT38) -- from attacks on Sony; the audacious attempt to steal $1 billion from Bangladesh Bank (they managed to get away with $81 million); the WannaCry ransomware; and the sprawling multitude of hacks targeting crypto-exchanges and users.

It also paints a picture of how deeply connected and complex North Korea's connections to the criminal underworld run -- even the idea that the majority of the Japanese Yakuza being originally ethnic Koreans.

Saifedean Ammous: Principles of Economics (2023, Saif House, The) 4 stars

Good intro to the Austrian school of economics

4 stars

It's a good read on introducing concepts of the Austrian school of economics.

It's also entertaining to read the author's pure hatred for Marx, Keynes, or anything remotely related to government expenditure. Such as this hilarious passage:

"Karl Marx, a semiliterate German bum who never had a job that could support him. Marx lived off the support of rich benefactors in England as he pontificated about reengineering the world into a dystopia run by people incapable of supporting themselves through their own labor."

Eric S. Raymond: The cathedral & the bazaar (1999, O'Reilly) 4 stars

The Cathedral and the Bazaar: Musings on Linux and Open Source by an Accidental Revolutionary …

Power to the bazaar!

5 stars

The essay titled “Revenge of the Hackers” alone is a great read that lays out how Open Source branded and shifted away from Free Software.

Lots of great context and insights behind the power of the bazaar (open source) vs. the cathedral (closed source), even ~23 years after the revised edition of the book was written.