Isaac Asimov: The Complete Robot (1983, Voyager) 4 stars

The complete collection of Isaac Asimov’s classic Robot stories.

In these stories, Asimov creates the …

"Robbie" is SUCH A SWEET LITTLE STORY! It's so cute, and I love it so much -- I understand why this was the father of all robot stories and the first one Asimov ever wrote. Which is precisely why it pains me to criticize it:

Holy shit what a petty-bourgeois fantasy. Asimov had such high hopes for the future and wanted everyone in America to have a house and a yard and for unions to be strong, and that... is a fantasy pipe-dream that can never be realized and that sees the bourgeois state and the capitalist economy as a neutral entity that can be utilized for good. I admire Asimov's optimism, but I feel that his optimism is ultimately a reactionary one that seeks to preserve and expand the post-war middle-class economic boom to all facets of life.