
quoted Planet by Robin Wall Kimmerer (Kinship: Belonging In A World Of Relations, #1)

Gavin Van Horn, John Hausdoerffer, Robin Wall Kimmerer, Robin Wall Kimmerer: Planet (Paperback, 2021, Center for Humans & Nature) 5 stars

Vol. 1. – Planet Cosmic/Elemental/Planetary Kinship

With every breath, every sip of water, every meal, …

Astronomers claim that the big bang brought time and space into being. In their absence, there was no where or when to speak of, and consequently no relationships of any sort: now and then, here and there, this and that are discernable only within the territories of difference that time and space create between things. In this (meta)physics, difference and distinction turn out to be exactly what allow everything to relate to everything else. Logically and paradoxically, it is only through the precondition of separation that connection and kinship are possible.

Planet by , , , and 1 other (Kinship: Belonging In A World Of Relations, #1) (Page 23)

From the flawless essay 'Kinshape' by Andrew S. Yang (pp 22-29). I could easily quote the whole essay as a single paragraph does not do it justice.