Chuck Palahniuk: The Invention of Sound (2020, Grand Central Publishing) 3 stars

Review of 'The Invention of Sound' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I’m almost reluctant to give 4 stars because really the book is far too happy to delve into the same kind of edginess that has made me weary of Palahniuks more recent book, but the narrative manages to undermine some of that. The world the story takes place in is not the one we live in, really, which helps, and while we are given an explanation for the behavior of some of the characters, we’re not asked to revel in their deviant behavior the way we have been in some of his other books. There’s something being said about our desire for the spectacle of horror, of people being harmed, and the collective self reflection that we probably should undertake concerning that. Perhaps that’s what I’m finding to like about the book? I’m very conflicted honestly. Lol. Still, I think I will be recommending it to a few people who might be receptive to it.