Reviews and Comments

Jason Burnett Locked account

Joined 2 years ago

Art historian. Aspiring museum professional. Recovering grad student (completed MA in art history/museum studies in December 2022). SF/F/H fan. News junkie. Curious cook (currently learning Korean and Japanese cooking). Active language learner (currently studying Japanese and French, with Korean next in the queue). Games fan. K-pop stan. Manga reader. Anime watcher. Unironic ukulele player. #ActuallyAustistic

You can find me on Mastodon here.

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Hugo Munsterberg: The folk arts of Japan. (1958, C.E. Tuttle Co.) 3 stars

I checked this book out from the Japan House LA library, where they listed a 2012 publication date. It wasn't until I added the book to Bookwyrm this morning that I saw it was actually written in 1953. Had I known the book's publication date, I likely wouldn't have started reading it, but since I'm 2/3 of the way through it now, I'm going to go ahead and finish. The book does contain some good factual information in it, if (and it's a large "if") one can overlook the author's antiquated notions (by current standards) of the concepts of "folk art" and "craft."

Cory Doctorow: The Canadian Miracle (EBook, 2023, Tor Books) 4 stars

A contentious election and radicalized locals interfere with Canadian recovery workers' efforts at the site …

I you need a little hope, this short story from Cory Doctorow might help. It doesn't sugarcoat the problems we're facing, doesn't try to pretend they don't exist, but he shows that there are potential ways forward and people who are working to get us there. I'm feeling better today after having read this.