Michael @ Knowledge Lost reviewed Mildred Pierce by James M. Cain
Review of 'Mildred Pierce' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
With a HBO miniseries of Mildred Peirce (Staring Kate Winslet, Guy Pearce & Evan Rachel Wood) coming up soon; I thought I needed to read this James M. Cain classic. The story of Mildred Pierce follows the titular mother who, during the Great Depression finds herself separated from her husband, opening a restaurant of her own, and falling in love with a new man, all the while trying to earn her daughter's love and respect.
Sounds like a nice little story, right? Wrong; James M. Cain brings his famous noir style (found in his other books like The Postman Always Rings Twice & Double Indemnity) and adds this to what could be considered a standard ‘coming-of-age’ format. Trying to earn the respect of a daughter may be hard enough, but this teenage girl is the most stuck-up, pain-in-the-ass bitch I’ve even seen on paper. Veda almost reminds me of Mrs. Danvers from [b:Rebecca|12873|Rebecca|Daphne du Maurier|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1298414903s/12873.jpg|46663] with her sinister actions. This is defiantly a unique story and the noir feel to it, makes it even more enjoyable.