Richard Aldington: Medallions from Anyte of Tegea, Meleager of Gadara, the Anacreontea (1930, Chatto & Windus) No rating

Anyte of Tygea is one of the great women-poets of Greece. Twenty-five poems - four …

The Fugitive

O Weeping soul, what soft wound of Love burns again in your heart?

O mad with love, do not, by Zeus, stir up the fire glowing under the ashes. O forgetful of pain, of Love sees you and catches you as you fly form him, he will deal savagely with the fugitive!

Medallions from Anyte of Tegea, Meleager of Gadara, the Anacreontea by 

Someone drew a little heart in ball point pen next to this one in the copy I got from the library