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Casual reader trying to keep a dozen of books per year.
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mrbonsoir rated Zone Erogene: 3 stars
mrbonsoir rated De sang-froid : 4 stars

De sang-froid by Truman Capote
I liked the novel and because of it watched the movie about its author. "On November 15, 1959, in the …
mrbonsoir rated Mon Pouchkine: 4 stars
mrbonsoir rated Microfictions: 4 stars
mrbonsoir rated El Antiguo Regimen y La Revolucion: 5 stars

El Antiguo Regimen y La Revolucion by Alexis de Tocqueville (Política y Derecho)
El destacar la continuidad que existe entre el Antiguo Régimen y los acontecimientos de 1789, Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859) cuestiona, …
mrbonsoir rated Colour Out of Space: 4 stars
mrbonsoir rated Nous autres: 3 stars

Nous autres by Yevgeny Zamyatin
We (Russian: Мы, romanized: My) is a dystopian novel by Russian writer Yevgeny Zamyatin, written 1920–1921. It was first published …
mrbonsoir rated Total recall: 3 stars
Total recall by C. Gordon Bell
A legend in computer science unveils the digital revolution that will transform human memory.In 1998, pioneering computer scientist Gordon Bell …
mrbonsoir rated Sur les chemins noirs: 4 stars

Sur les chemins noirs by Sylvain Tesson
Après une mauvaise chute qui a failli lui coûter la vie et qui lui a causé de multiples fractures, le …
mrbonsoir rated The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: 4 stars

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884) by Mark Twain is one of the truly great American novels, beloved by children, adults, …
mrbonsoir rated Les aventures de Tom Sawyer: 4 stars

Les aventures de Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain (Folio junior -- 449)
L'enfance de Tom Sawyer chez sa tante Polly dans une ville de Louisiane située sur les berges du Mississippi. Avec …
mrbonsoir rated Contes de la Bécasse: 4 stars
mrbonsoir rated Poids de la neige(Le): 4 stars
mrbonsoir rated La confusion des sentiments: 5 stars

La confusion des sentiments by Stefan Zweig
Confusion (German: Verwirrung der Gefühle), also known in English under the titles Confusion of Feelings or Episode in the Early …