Powerful graphic novel about the evil nature of multi-level marketing specifically and sales generally.
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Nate Scribbler's books
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Nate Scribbler finished reading Opportunity by Will Volley
Nate Scribbler finished reading They: a sequence of unease by Kay Dick
They: a sequence of unease by Kay Dick
This is Britain: but not as we know it.
THEY begin with a dead dog, shadowy footsteps, confiscated books. Soon …
Nate Scribbler finished reading Portrait of Jennie by Robert Nathan
Nate Scribbler finished reading Dream of Us All by Sean Michael Wilson
Dream of Us All by Robert Brown, Sean Michael Wilson
With a mix of serious research and family jokes old union rep, Joe, and his granddaughter, Arushi, go into the …
Nate Scribbler rated Eat the Rich SC: 5 stars
Eat the Rich SC by Sarah Gailey, Pius Bak
When the rich and powerful are literal cannibals, how can regular people avoid being on the menu?
Nate Scribbler finished reading Eat the Rich SC by Sarah Gailey
Nate Scribbler finished reading After The Revolution by Robert Evans
After The Revolution by Robert Evans
What will the fracturing of the United States look like? After the Revolution is an edge-of-your-seat answer to that question. …