Reviews and Comments

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Nicola Yoon: Everything, Everything (2015, Delacorte Press) 4 stars

The main character is a girl who is said to have a disease that stops …

Review of 'Everything, Everything' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I already guessed the ending pretty early on, so I was not surprised or shocked by what happened. I liked the idea of this book and how it was fabricated with the drawings and little things in between the different chapters.

Amy Schor Ferris: Shades of blue (2015) 4 stars

"The silent epidemic of depression affects millions of people and takes dozens of lives everyday, …

Review of 'Shades of blue' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This book contains 35 different stories by different people, about their account with depression, suicide and feeling blue.

Not all stories were interesting. Some of them did not interest me or did not mean much to me. Others were haunting and really touching.

I have my own account with depression and suicide, therefore I can relate to the stories. This is one of the few books where you get the truth, instead of the constant flow of hope where they tell you that things will get better and blah blah blah. Like Sherry Amatenstein says: “One day I may commit suicide. But I doubt it. There is always another choice.”

Great book.

Kim van Kooten: Lieveling (Dutch language, 2015, Lebrowski Publishers) 3 stars

Nadat Puck op 5-jarige leeftijd met haar moeder is verhuisd naar de villa van de …

Review of 'Lieveling' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Op zich vond ik het een goed boek, maar het open einde is voor mij te verwarrend en ik haat het wanneer ik nog zoveel vragen heb.

Ik heb me even moeten aanpassen aan het enorme Hollands, maar na een tijdje ging het wel. Het leest als een trein en door de korte hoofdstukken bleef ik ook makkelijker doorlezen. "Nog 1 hoofdstuk dan..." Je weet wel.

Het onderwerp is ongemakkelijk en veel passages zijn dan ook degoutant om lezen... Ik had zo te doen met Puck en wou absoluut weten waar het verhaal heenging. Ik ergerde me enorm aan haar moeder en familie, maar dat toont alleen maar dat ik volledig in het verhaal zat.

Aanrader als je ertegen kan dat het een open einde is. ;)

Review of 'Kill Order' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

It's not bad, but not great either. Again: too much action. I was fed up with the endless pages describing endless fights. I skipped huge paragraphs, because you can only read so much of the same.

But, it was interesting to read how everything started and sometimes it really was an exciting read. However, I'm glad that I finally finished this series and can move on to something else.

James Dashner: The Death Cure (2014, Chicken House Ltd) 2 stars

Review of 'The Death Cure' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

'Meh'. That's all I can say, really. The ending is so typical, that I almost wanted to vomit. At the ending I skipped pages of too detailed fights, because you can only read so much descriptions of fights... I don't know. I had the feeling that the author wanted to do something different but then ended up having a very cliché book. Too bad.

James Dashner: Maze Runner (2014) 3 stars

When Thomas wakes up in the lift, the only thing he can remember is his …

Review of 'Maze Runner' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Interesting story, but so slow... I've read so many times that he 'wanted to become a runner but he didn't know why' or that 'nobody gave him answers' or that 'nobody wanted to stay outside' or that 'he knew her but doesn't know from where'. This book could have been half the size and still tell the same story...

But, it's interesting. And I do look forward to the next book to see where this is going.

Niccolò Ammaniti: I'm Not Scared (Paperback, 2004, Canongate International) 3 stars

One relentlessly hot summer, six children explore the scorched wheat-fields that enclose their tiny Italian …

Review of "I'm Not Scared" on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

This story reminded me a lot of the book: 'The boy in the striped pyjamas'.

Sadly, I could see the plot coming from miles away. It did not surprise me in any way. I was not scared or thrilled at all. If I had read this before 'the boy in the striped pyjamas', this book would have been way better for me.

Review of 'Haar naam was Sarah / druk 59' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Echt een aanrader.

Het tempo van het boek vond ik ideaal. Ik vond het ook fijn dat er telkens gewisseld werd tussen Sarah en Julia haar verhaal. Op die manier kreeg ik inzicht in beiden en blijf ik niet achter met vragen. Ook al wist ik wel hoe het zou aflopen en was het boek misschien iet wat voorspelbaar, toch sleepte het me nog steeds mee en had ik echt de nood om verder te lezen en te weten hoe iedereen zou reageren. Fijn boek, maar zo'n hartverscheurend verhaal.

Paula Hawkins: The Girl on the Train (2015) 3 stars

The Girl on the Train is a 2015 psychological thriller novel by British author Paula …

Review of 'The Girl on the Train' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Sadly, I think this book is severely overrated. I had to drag myself through the first 200 pages before I started to feel a little interested. First 200 pages where probably like this: drunk - on train - drunk - on train - drunk - Cathy is pissed - drunk - on train - Tom - drunk - Tom - drunk - some shit happens - drunk... Honestly: the plot was quite unexpected but still it did not wow me... I just can't believe any of it.