A nice blend of sci-fi ideas, space-opera adventure, and political intrigue. Not the kind of mind-bending stuff my most favorite SF is made of, but still a very fun read. It's a pretty long book, but definitely kept me interested and entertained, and made me glad I was able to get my hands on both books right away so that I can get right into the second one. This is the first I've read of this author, but judging by this I will probably be reading more after these two.
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Maker of strange noises and devices for the proliferation of such. He/him. Read dates before 2024 are approximate.
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noisenerd started reading Judas Unchained by Peter F. Hamilton (Commonwealth Saga, #2)

Judas Unchained by Peter F. Hamilton (Commonwealth Saga, #2)
In the star-spanning civilization known as the Intersolar Commonwealth, twenty-three planets have fallen victim to the Prime, a technologically advanced …
noisenerd reviewed Pandora's Star by Peter F. Hamilton (Commonwealth Saga, #1)
noisenerd finished reading Pandora's Star by Peter F. Hamilton (Commonwealth Saga, #1)

Pandora's Star by Peter F. Hamilton (Commonwealth Saga, #1)
Critics have compared the engrossing space operas of Peter F. Hamilton to the classic sagas of such sf giants as …
noisenerd rated Digital signal processing: 4 stars
A decent introduction
3 stars
I got this book cheap from a thrift store, wouldn't necessarily recommend it at any price other than "cheap." It's a decent enough introduction, but most of this can easily be learned for free on the internet these days, and overall it may be of limited use to those who aren't looking to become classical-style composers. I would say most people who are already making music would probably not get much out of this book, but of course ymmv.
noisenerd rated Robopocalypse: 1 star

Robopocalypse by Daniel H. Wilson
In the near future, at a moment no one will notice, all the dazzling technology that runs our world will …
noisenerd reviewed Flatland by Edwin Abbott Abbott (Princeton science library)
Contender for "Greatest Book Ever"
5 stars
I'm perhaps being a little over-the-top there, but also not really. The way this book serves as political/societal satire while simultaneously teaching a fairly advanced mathematical concept in an entertaining and accessible way is masterful. The social commentary may be a bit less relevant than it was in its time, but sadly still isn't entirely irrelevant even now, and I think the geometry lesson is still one of the best explanations of the concept I've seen.
noisenerd rated Einstein's Relativity and the Quantum Revolution: 4 stars
noisenerd rated War Is a Racket: 4 stars

War Is a Racket by Smedley D. Butler
Brilliantly outlines who profits and who looses from, loosing the dogs of war. A scathing critique on the nature of …
noisenerd rated Conan 02 Of Cimmeria (Conan Series): 4 stars
noisenerd rated Rendezvous with Rama: 4 stars

Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clarke
Rendezvous with Rama is a science fiction novel by British writer Arthur C. Clarke first published in 1973. Set in …
noisenerd rated Wild Cards: 2 stars

Wild Cards by Richard Glyn Jones, George R. R. Martin, Wild Cards Trust (Wild Cards, #1)
The alien virus arrived on Earth just after World War II - and the world was never the same. For …
noisenerd rated Road to Memphis: 3 stars

Road to Memphis by Mildred D. Taylor
In 1941 a black youth, sadistically teased by two white boys in rural Mississippi, severely injures one of them with …