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penwing reads (they/them)

Joined 2 years, 4 months ago

Queer, geek, NW England, no longer late-30s.

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penwing reads (they/them)'s books

2025 Reading Goal

38% complete! penwing reads (they/them) has read 19 of 50 books.

Ada Palmer (duplicate): Inventing the Renaissance (Hardcover, 2025, Head of Zeus) 5 stars

The Renaissance is one of the most studied and celebrated eras of history. Spanning the …

(If seeing the concept of purity used like this is making your skin crawl, (A) good for you! (B) I recommend a trip down the hall to the Philosophy Lab where Alexis Shot well is brewing up work on the destructive effects of purity as a concept in our modern world. Each lab brews different things to make our world better: Chem Lab, new meds; Physics Lab, new particles; History and Philosophy Labs, new proofs that Nazis are wrong.)

Inventing the Renaissance by  (Page 39)

Hell yeah!

Notes the name drop for further investigation 8-)

Jeff Noon, Steve Beard: Gogmagog (2024, Watkins Media Limited) 4 stars

From the highly celebrated and award-winning authors Jeff Noon and Steve Beard comes Gogmagog, the …


4 stars

I liked it - it's sheer weirdness (and wyrdness), the river trip, the characters...

My biggest criticism is probably the structure. It's very episodic and we learn little about the cultures our characters come from (except in may a specific episode/chapter) as they're all the only examples on page. There are also many time chapters end on a cliffhanger or other high tension point only for the next chapter to skip past the resolution and tell us in flashback undoing the built up tension.

Jeff Noon, Steve Beard: Gogmagog (2024, Watkins Media Limited) 4 stars

From the highly celebrated and award-winning authors Jeff Noon and Steve Beard comes Gogmagog, the …

But all she had to do was grope out a hand to find her breakfast, set on the bedside table: a glass of malt vinegar in which a raw egg had been cracked

Gogmagog by , (Page 5)

Some authors would describe glorious feasts... Noon and Beard giving us the literary equivalent of a Jan Svankmajer meal...

Frank Herbert: Children of Dune (Paperback, 2021, Gollancz) 4 stars

Limits of survival are set by climate, those long drifts of change which a generation may fail to notice. And it is the extremes of climate which set the pattern. Lonely, finite humans may observe climatic provinces, fluctuations of annual weather and occasionally may observe such things as 'This is a colder year than I've ever known. Such things are sensible. But humans are seldom alerted to the shifting average through a great span of years. And it is precisely in this alerting that humans learn how to survive on any planet. They must learn climate.

-Arrakis, the Transformation, after Harq al-Ada

Children of Dune by  (Dune, #3) (Page 314)

The whole book is about climate change, but this little header calling it out and the short-termism of "sceptics"

From 1976, this is not new stuff