Reviews and Comments

Mr. Beedell, Roke Julian Lockhart

Joined 2 years, 1 month ago

Commit fbbb0ab0ebb69bd649a382e7d3a0b578fac2b46d of my GitLab profile's readMe.MD states:

Hello. My first name is Roke, and I always shall, and have been since I gained my first computer, a software developer. I specialize in OS architectures and GUI consistency, accessibility, and ease of use.

I tend to utilize a combination of cpe:/o:opensuse:tumbleweed and cpe:/o:fedoraproject:fedora:40, with KDE Plasma 6 as my desktop environment. I utilize Tumbleweed when I need to install onto a 32-bit BIOS or UEFI, and Fedora otherwise. I'd like to utilize Tumbleweed for everything due to its exclusive inclusion of YaST. However, its bug reporting infrastructure is painful to utilize due its lack of GNOME Abrt support and ancient Bugzilla, in stark constrast to the opposite for Fedora.

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Lois McMaster Bujold: Dreamweaver's dilemma (Paperback, 1995, NESFA Press) 4 stars

As this Reddit comment explains:

This. Earth/Sol controls a huge region of space but hasn’t fought a war in decades, maybe centuries, and rests comfortably on its laurels. Meanwhile, the main character lives in and serves a distant star kingdom at the junction of multiple wormholes, contested by an even further star empire. Eventually the two nations agree to end their 30+ years of grueling darwinian warfare and team up against Sol, bringing all of their technological and tactical advances to bear. The result is such a curbstomp that the author had to search for ways to stretch it out over any more pages than the travel time required. It’s like The Final Countdown, a modern nuclear supercarrier going up against WWII fleets.
Christian Gossett, Bradley Kayl, Snakebit, A. D. Coulter: The Red Star Collected Edition (Paperback, 2003, Archangel Studios) 4 stars

As this Reddit comment explains:

  1. I'm curious if anyone out there has any suggestions for military scifi with a Soviet/CCP aesthetic. I'm looking for like, Stalingrad in space, if there's a critique of Communism in the writing that's fine, if there's not that's also fine. I just want some military scifi where the space marines scream, "For the Revolution!" instead of "For the Emprah!" If I can't find it I might just have to write it myself. If I find it and don't like it I'll definitely have to write it myself.

  2. It's a comic book, but The Red Star has a lot of what you're asking for.

Gou Tanabe: H. P. Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness Volume 1 (2019, Dark Horse) 4 stars

January 25, 1931: an expedition team arrives at a campsite in Antarctica . . . …

Just watched and wanted to read the recommendation of many of its respondents. I accidentally misidentified this as its literary form, but the ratings and reviews are positive enough that I'm interested.

John J. Lumpkin: Through Struggle, the Stars (Paperback, eng_GBR language, 2011) No rating

In 2139, a network of artificial wormholes has allowed humanity to reach nearby stars, where …

As this Reddit comment explains:

Through the Struggle, the Stars: Probably my favorite sci-fi story I've ever read. It's a near-future setting where the nations of earth have set up some fledgling interstellar empires using wormholes. Great read if you're a space nerd like me.

Alfred Bester: The Stars My Destination (1996, Vintage Books) 4 stars

A science fiction retelling of the Count of Monte Cristo.

As states:

In the homes of the wealthy, the rooms of the female members were blind, without windows or doors, open only to the jaunting of intimate members of the family. Thus was morality maintained and chastity defended. But since Olivia Presteign was herself blind to normal sight, she could not jaunte. Consequently her suite was entered through doors closely guarded by ancient retainers in the Presteign clan livery. Olivia Presteign was a glorious albino. Her hair was white silk, her skin was white satin, her nails, her lips, and her eyes were coral. She was beautiful and blind in a wonderful way, for she could see in the infrared only, from 7,500 angstroms to one millimeter wavelengths. She saw heat waves, magnetic fields, radio waves, radar, sonar, and electromagnetic fields. She was holding her Grand Levee in the drawing room of the suite. She sat in a brocaded …
John Brunner: Stand on Zanzibar (Paperback, 1999, Gollancz) 4 stars

"Originally published in 1968, Stand on Zanzibar was a breakthrough in science fiction storytelling technique, …

Brian W. Aldiss: Non-stop (1976, Pan Books) 4 stars

Roy Complain lives in a culturally-primitive tribe in which curiosity is discouraged and life is …

The synopsis at,of%20a%20primitive.:

Curiosity was discouraged in the Greene tribe. Its members lived out their lives in cramped Quarters, hacking away at the encroaching ponics. As to where they were - that was forgotten. Roy Complain decides to find out. With the renegade priest Marapper, he moves into unmapped territory, where they make a series of discoveries which turn their universe upside-down... Non-Stop is the classic SF novel of discovery and exploration; a brilliant evocation of a familiar setting seen through the eyes of a primitive. rationale enough.